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Join our email list and receive analysis, commentary and calls to action on the moral issues in the public square and before Congress. We don't bombard our supporters with email, but rather strive to provide thoughtful insight and hopefully a little inspiration well. 

Thank You!

Thank you for signing onto the Open Letter. If you haven't signed on yet, please take a look at it and sign the Open Letter if you like it - we think you will!

You can do so by visiting the home page.

Here are a few things you can do to help promote the letter before Pope Francis meets with the president.

You can help spread the word by copying and pasting the following link into an email and sending it to your friends and family urging them to sign the Open Letter.

And, you can help us spread the word by making a donation to Catholic Democrats of $5, $25, or even $100. Any amount is greatly appreciated. It will help us to advance this open letter through digital advertising as well as to advance the rich Catholic Social Justice Tradition in the public square and within the Democratic Party. 


Follow Catholic Democrats on Social Media

Interact with kindred spirits from across the country and hear what others have to say on issues related to our faith and politics, and receive links - posted almost daily - to articles, commentary, and reports of interest to our supporters. We have an active Facebook Page and over 18,000 people who follow us on Twitter. 

Build bridges not walls


Be Connected

You may also want to connect with fellow Catholic Democrats in your area and across the country on social media or join our email list to stay updated on our activities and what is happening at the intersection of faith and politics.